Life Mens' Ministries
Our mission is to call men into authentic manhood on their journey of becoming like Jesus; men who reject passivity, accept responsibility, lead courageously, and expect the greater reward: God’s reward.
Life Womens' Ministries
Our women’s community serves to encourage the women in their faith, to equip them to stand firm in their beliefs, and to empower them to be active members of the community and serve“the least of these.”
Life Kids' Ministries
Life Kids Club is designed to engage kids (Elementary-Middle School) with the truth of God’s Word, equip them for cross-cultural living, and create opportunities to develop a strong Christ-centered community. Gatherings include singing, teaching, crafts, and other activities that invite them into the fullness of God’s love for them.
Transformation Club
Our teenagers face lots of challenges in their daily lives that require support and encouragement. Transformation Club is an opportunity for them to engage in meaningful discussions about faith, culture, and identity in relation to the word and identity of Christ.
Cover the Kids
This is a prayer initiative geared to challenge the entire community to cover our kids in prayer. Parents largely carry the burden to pray and intercede for their children, through this initiative, the entire church body commits to praying for one of our kids. By covering the children in prayer, we believe for their spiritual protection, guidance, and their personal relationship with God.
Cell Groups
There is an ever growing South Asian community in the greater Nashville area and they are largely non-believers. In response to the Great Commission, our outreach team is dedicated to being the hands and feet of Jesus as we serve, love, and share the gospel to the communities around us through initiatives like Christmas events, prayer drives, missional fundraisers, etc. The mission field is all around us and we believe that we are placed for such a time as this.